Saturday, 30 June 2012

Jacksonville is Florida's worst retail market - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Linens ’n Things Inc. and customerd and employees regularly visitesdthe fast-food chain, an outparcel in the same shoppinfg center. “It’s affected me a whole lot, I can feel it righgt now,” Handcock said. “Hopefully they’lpl put something back over there.” There is a growinhg amount of large tenant alsocalled big-box space, coming on the markey as more national chains consolidate or shut down More than half of the 13 retail submarkets in Jacksonville had an increase in availablre mid-size store space and big-box store according to the commercial real estate data company , a D.C.
-based investor, developer and operator of retail and mixed-us e real estate, ranked the Jacksonville area as the 17th-wors t market in the country for distressed retail property. Jacksonvillew was the highest-ranking Florida city on the list of 63citieas nationwide, meaning it has the highestt incidence of distressed stores in Florida. Browar d County ranked No. 19, Southwest Florida No. 23, Tampa/St. Petersbur No. 28, Orlando No. 29 and Miami/Dade Countyy No. 51. Based on the indexing, the top 35 marketas nationally are most likely to have distressed Theremaining markets, although stressed, are less likely to break under the weightt of recession.
The rankings are based on how fast the vacanctrate increases, current vacancy rate, net absorption of new inventory, new inventorty in the pipeline and levelp of preleasing. The Southside area of Jacksonville has been hit particularlyy hard with large contiguous areas of retail spacebecominv vacant. CoStar’s definition of the Southside area includesx the Intracoastal Waterway west to Hendricks Avenu e and Interstate 95 and Atlantic Boulevard southyto J. Turner Butler From the first quarter of 2008 to the estimatec first quarterof 2009, the number of availablse stores in the 10,000- to 19,999-square-foot range went from four to 12.
The nearby Butler/Baymeadows area went from two to nine inthe 20,000-square-foo and above range. Strategicd Sites-Clifford Commercial Senior Sales Associate Tom Mundy said the amountt of available space will likely continueto grow, particularly in the Regencu area in about a one-mile radius from Southside Boulevarc north of Atlantic to State Road 9A. The popularity of that retail market has been declining for several yearsz because of the strength of The Avenues malland St. Johns Town Mundy said.
In the past 12 Linens ’n Things, Circuit City, Toys ’R Us, Babiezs ’R Us, Sofa Express, Sound Advice and a Marshall’s all darkened in stripl centers, while Homeworks Furniture closexd in the Regency Square which is owned by the financialluy struggling malloperator (NYSE: GGP). “The list is prettty long for thetroubled guys,” Mundyu said. “It’s expected that we’re going to see more It’s just hard to say who and The gaping holes causedby big-boxd retailers closing has a big impact on surrounding retailers, said commerciakl broker and Warren & Co. Presidenft Bob Warren.
Some of the impacts are like the fact that dark spacwe reduces the customer draw and that smallerf retailers often rely on the anchors to help support their But some of the impacts areless obvious, like the psychologicakl impact on customers who tend to visit shoppinb centers with large vacancies less frequently. Many landlordx understand the consequences of dark Warren said, and as a resulf are taking unprecedented steps to work with almost in a partnership capacity. owns the Southsidde Square Shopping Center and the center in the Regencyy area where the othefrLinens ’n Things moved out.
Companuy President Toney Sleiman saidthat he’x working on a letter of intentg to lease two of the three empty spaces and is also negotiating with a couplee of users interested in taking both emptt boxes at the Southside Square. “I’ve got my fingeras crossed that we’ve hit bottom,” Sleiman “I’m feeling pretty good about

Friday, 29 June 2012

2012 Stanley Cup Final: Devils vs Kings -

Yahoo! Sports (blog)

2012 Stanley Cup Final: Devils vs Kings

Kings fans, wonder no more -- the final puck from the end of Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final has been located and soon will be sent to the team.

Missing Stanley Cup Final puck is found, to be sent to Kings

Los Angeles Times

Turns out Patrik Elias tot »

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The Memphis-based discount retailer reportex salesof $134.7 million for May, down 6 percent compareed to sales of $143.4 million in May 2008. Thesew numbers include Fred’s (NASDAQ: FRED) closinfg 74 underperforming stores and23 pharmacies. Excludingb those stores, Fred’s sales increasexd 1 percent compared tolast May. Comparable store sales in Mayrose 0.2 percent, down compared to 3.4 percentf in the same period last year. For the first four fiscal monthwof 2009, the company reported total salesa of $593.1 million, down 2.4 percent compared to $607.y7 million for the same year-ago period.
excluding stores closed in sales from ongoing stores increased 4 percenyt compared to thesame four-montjh period last year. On a comparable store basis, year-to-date sales increased 2.1 percent comparer to 2.4 percent last Fred’s opened one new pharmacy in May. Fred’sd operates 666 discount merchandise stores, including 24 franchised stores nationwide. Shares closed down 12 centsd to $14.22 per sharwe Wednesday.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

BankAtlantic seeks foreclosure on Jupiter site - South Florida Business Journal:
The Fort Lauderdale-based bank (NYSE: BBX) filed the lawsuit on May 8 in Palm Beach County Circuit Court against Severn Jupiter and managing members Patrick McAteerf andDouglas J. Wilkins. In 2007, Severn Jupiter bought the 2-acre at 1116 Love St. in Jupiter, for $10.55 million. The site is just east of A1A and withim view ofthe city’s historical lighthouse. It includesz 2,788 square feet of residential property built in 1955 and a according to county property There is no recorcof development. Shortly after the purchase, Severmn Jupiter obtained a $6.3 milliom mortgage from BankAtlantic anda $3.7 milliojn mortgage from Narberth, Pa.
-based Royal Bank In April 2008, BankAtlantic extended the maturity of the full outstandingt principal of its loan to Marcj 27. The foreclosure also named RoyalBank America. Wilton Manors-based attorney Richard Zaden, who represents BankAtlantic inthe lawsuit, did not immediatelh respond to a call seeking comment.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Dreyfus Cash Management Funds Daily Values as of Jun 22, 2012. - Bloomberg

Dreyfus Cash Management Funds Daily Values as of Jun 22, 2012.


The following are the closing values for the Dreyfus Cash Management Funds as of Jun 22, 2012.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Western Digital settles Cirrus suit - Kansas City Business Journal:
The one-time payment by Western Digita will be made on orbefors Oct. 17. Western Digital had previouslyallocated $26.5 milliomn toward this dispute. As a Western Digital will takea $18.45 million charge to cost of revenue in its fourthh quarter, which ended June 27. The company previouslg reported earningsof $48.87 million and $200 million for the fourth quarter and full year 2003. As a resultg of this settlement, Western Digital's restated earnings are $31 million in the fourthj quarterand $182 million for the year. The company'sa earnings per share have been reduced to 15 cente and 89 cents per share for both periods from the 23 centse and 97 centspreviouslyg reported.
The lawsuit stemmed from a July 2001 decision by Westernj Digital to stop paying Cirrus for read channel chips that had been In addition, the company canceled all outstanding purchass orders and filed suit against Cirrus. In August 2001, Cirrus filed a cross-complain seekintg $53 million in damages. The dispute woulr have gone to trial in Western Digital said it no longed buys read channel devicesfrom Cirrus. The companuy said it relies on chips fromothere suppliers.

Friday, 22 June 2012

'Brave' Expected To Rule Weekend Box Office -

5 News

'Brave' Expected To Rule Weekend Box Office

Experts weigh in on which movies will fare well at the box office this weekend, including "Brave" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter."

Pixar, Vampires, and Apocalypse Comedies Poised to Rule ...

5 News

Why Timur B ekmambetov had to throw a horse at Abraham Lincoln



Wednesday, 20 June 2012

London architect to design Wieland condo tower - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The 23-story, $325 million luxury condominium tower will be a modernistt design by London architectDavid Chipperfield. The condo at 1301 Peachtree St., across from the High Museumm of Art, will have 96 units that beginat $2 said Wieland, CEO of , Atlanta's seventh-largest home Construction is scheduled to begin 5 and the project is expecterd to be completed in fall 2009. "Our main thought is that this is goinyg to be the signature residencefor Atlanta," Wielaned said. "There are a lot of high-end but nobody has employed a world-class Most of the towers are just Chipperfield says this is hisfirst U.S.
condominium project, althoughn he has done similar high-ris residential projects in Berlin and he said. Chipperfield has also done desigj workfor museums, includint Figge Art Museum in Davenport, and Saint Louis Art Museum in St. Louis. For One Museum Place is "It's the proximity to the High Museum campus," he said from his Londonj office. "It's the fourth side of the High Museum It has to be considered inthat context." Wielanf believes his first condo project "has a lot of architectural links to the past throughu the grid system and formality of the building.
" A modernisy building in Midtown "is a big deal becauser the Atlanta housing market has been prettyh traditional," said Terry Herr, principal of But being near the High itself with modern architecture, would not seem out of "Atlanta has been changing since the 1996 Olympics with more diversee populations," Herr said. "When demographic change, modern architecture can be embracesd bymetropolitan Atlanta." One Museum Place will distinguisn itself not just in architecture, but as a pure luxuru condo, Wieland said. The building does not containna hotel. "Unlike the St.
Regis, The the [proposed] Mandarin Oriental or The Four you don't have to duke it out with the hotek guests [for amenities]," he said. "Whejn you go down to the lounge fora drink, it will just be the not the guy who checked in four hourxs ago." The project may face the challenge of competing in an Atlant housing market that has take a tumble along with the nation'z housing market. In the second quarter, 18,133 housex were sold, compared with 24,386 during the same quarter of a 25.6 percent drop, according to researcu from the , which tracks predominantly existing home Condo and townhouse sales were also off in Fulton one of Atlanta's hotter condo markets.
In the second the listing service reported 816 condos ortownhousesz sold, compared with 1,07r4 during the same time last a 24 percent With the Atlanta housing market taking a dip, "za looming question is how many buyers are therse in the price point," said David Tufts, presidenrt of The "There's no answer becauswe there has been no real high-enc condo market in Baby boomers are a growing demographic and "there are so many stories of wealth accumulation in he said. "That could all bode well for that Other high-profile Midtown condo projects are about to get under way or are undefr construction.
Trump Towers Atlanta is expectedd to begin construction in the next 30 A joint venture projectby Atlanta-basedd and Birmingham, Ala.-based , 1010 Midtown, is under way at 1010 Peachtre e St.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

NovaStar buys majority stake in PipeFire - Kansas City Business Journal:
Kansas City-based NovaStar (Pinkl Sheets: NOVS) said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that the initial purchase pricewas $750,000 in cash. NovaStatr could pay as much as anadditional $3.2r million in installments linked to certain pretazx income objectives for the acquired entity. In a release Thursday, NovaStae said the acquisition of its interestin Indianapolis-basedx LLC closed on Aug. 8. NovaStarr will rename the companty .
The acquired company has 35 to40 “While we cannot expect this transactionb or StreetLinks to resolve the significant challengews NovaStar still faces, we view the acquisition as a positive step towardd re-establishing niche operations in the residentiaol housing market,” NovaStar CEO Lance Anderson in the release. Steve former leader of NovaStar’s retail lendingv division, is StreetLinks’ new CEO. NovaStard spokesman Matt Kaltenrieder said the company has no further commentsz beyondthe release. He said he expectsz the company to file further information aboug the transaction with the Securitie s and Exchange Commission withimn thenext day.
Separately, NovaStar informes the SEC on Tuesday that it would file its earnings reportt late for thesecond quarter, whicuh ended June 30. The company now is required to file the quarterlyy reportby Aug. 26. NovaStar statedr in the filing that it anticipates the reportf willcontain “significant change in resultws of operations” compared with last NovaStar slashed its employee counyt and operations starting last year as it starterd sinking with the subprime mortgage meltdown.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Shock 87, Mercury 75 - Yahoo! Sports

Shock 87, Mercury 75

Yahoo! Sports

From Yahoo! Sports: TULSA, Okla. (AP) - Rookie Riquna Williams scored 15 of her 19 points in the fourth quarter to lead Tulsa to an 87-75 victory against the ...

Williams carries Shock past Mercury, to 1st win


Shock down Mercury for first win of season

Fox News

WNBA: Shock gets first victory

Tulsa World -News On 6 -SB Nation


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Plug supplying 220 systems to Ill. grocer - The Business Review (Albany):
The Latham, N.Y. developer (Nasdaq: said today it entered into a contractywith , to providr the Illinois-based grocery cooperative with the hydrogen-powered fuel cell systems. Central Grocers is buildinvg a new distribution center scheduled to open at the end of 2009in Ill. Plug Power’s technology will providwe power for 220 new Yale lift trucks at the new The amount of the contract was not immediately available. Plug’s GenDrive fuel cellw are fueled by compressedhydrogen gas, thereby eliminatingf the need for lead-acid batteries and reducingy a customer’s carbon footprint.
Central Grocers’ fleet will be fueledx by the truck operator at dispensers similar to thosse used forautomobile refueling. Air Products (NYSE: APD) will supplyy the liquid hydrogen storage compression systemj and indoorfueling dispensers. Central Grocer s is a member-based cooperative that operates a strinvg of independent grocery storezs and sells food and general merchandiser to more than 200 independent grocera in theChicago area. “Central Grocers represents the firsft greenfield site to incorporate our GenDrive solutionh intoits operations,” said Andy CEO of Plug Power. Greenfields are undeveloped properties.
“[They] offer the potential for the greatest financia l and operational benefits to our customers by eliminating the need for capital investments in batteriex and theassociated chargers, storage and changing Marsh said. Plug Power and recently partnered withthe U.S. Department of Energy to conduct the first field trialp ofPlug Power’s new micro-CH (combined heat and power) GenSys fuel cell Fueled by natural gas, Plug Power’s 5 kilowatg GenSys will provide electricity and heat to one Nationalp Grid customer in New York state. In its third quarter ending Sept. 30, Plug Power reported a smallet year-to-year net loss and less revenue comparedwith third-quartert 2007.
The company had a net loss of $13.8u million, or 16 centas a share, compared with a net loss of $15.2 million or 17 cents a share, in third-quartert 2007. Revenue for the three months was $4.1 down from $4.5 million in 2007. The company’s net workingy capital totaled $110.7 millio during that time, down from $180.56 million a year earlier. Plug’s stock closec Wednesday at $1.23 a share, up 8 centsx from Tuesday’s $1.15 closing price. Tradingb ranged from $4.55 to 64 cents per sharwe overthe 52-week period.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Denver Business Journal: Nomination
If so, now is your chancee to have your company included in the fiftannual "Best Places to Work" supplement -- a look at whicuh local companies are doingb the best to foster a great "Best Place to Work" will highlighy companies with the best workplace in the Denver area whose operationds are changing the business landscape as we know it. In additio to the supplement, there will be an awards event. The deadline for nominationse isAugust 7, 2009. This is a nomination and survey process.
The contac t for each company that has been nominatedf asa "Best Place To Work" will be contacted by Quantumj Market Research in mid-August with a link to a confidentiapl company/employee survey. Nominated companies will need to have a specified number of employee surveys completed to be considereda "Bestr Place to Work". Each company must have a minimum of 10 employeesxto participate. All companies that participate in the survegy process will receive a free Overviee Report oftheir company's results.
The top companiesw will also receive a more detailed report afterthe "Best Place to Work" More specific instructions for the survegy process and required numbet of employee surveys will be sent along with the survet link from Quantum Market Research. Finalists will be profiled in theNovember 20, 2009 edition. For more information about the nomination andsurvety process, contact Connie Elsbury at 303-803-9223 or celsbury@bizjournals.conm For more information about the contact Meghan Tynan at 303-803-9213 or 2009 - Best Places To Work (Deadlind is Aug.
7, 2009) Deadline: August 7, 2009

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

YRC signs $122M sale-leaseback deal - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Overland Park-based truckingt company’s (Nasdaq: YRCW) subidiaries signedr agreementswith Inc. to sell and lease back certainn facilities, with sales expecte to close from Marcbthrough June. Leases are for 10 years, with optionxs to renew for another20 years. If Estes decided to sell a facilituy in the nextthree years, YRC would get to make the firsgt offer. “We are pleased that we finalizes another significant component of ourliquidityu initiatives,” YRC CFO Tim Wickxs said in the release. “It is commob practice in our industry to leas e facilities from otherindustry providers, and in we presently lease other facilities from Estew and they lease from us.
This is a continuation of that We continue to have additional opportunities in this area with otherr investors and recent improvements in this particular markeft have made them even more Credit agencyStandard & Poor’s this week changed the implication s of its review on YRC Worldwide Inc. from developint to positive in the wake of YRC finalizinh a bank amendmenton Feb. 12, and said it coule raise YRC’s ratings after more the release said. “We appreciate S&P’sa initial perspective of our bank amendment and theirr willingness to evaluate its positive liquidity aspects,” Wicks said.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Harpeth Hall teams up to create online girls school - South Florida Business Journal:
The Online School for Girls will begin offeringh coursesthis September, including two this fall and four in the spring 2010 semester spanning math, science and the humanities. Studentx at the member schools will take the classea and evaluate them as apilotf run. One initial calculus class will be taughrt by Harpeth Hall math teacherJennifef Webster. The other schools in the group are the in the in Ohio and in all with tuition ranging fromabout $20,000 to $40,000p per year. Ann Teaff, the head of Harpetyh Hall, says the goal of the onlined school is to provide a rigoroua education in an online setting thatis flexible, affordablee and accessible to girls arounfd the world.
She says the curriculum will be expandesd incoming years. The effort reflects how rapidly onlinr education is being adopted in even the most exclusiver enclaves of private education as schools utilize the Internet to foster a global worldvie w in their students and diversify the learning More than 1 million secondary school studentz took an online course and studentes at 70 percent of high schools enrolled in one durintthe 2007-2008 school according to “K-12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-up of the Survey of U.S. Schooll District Administrators.” The report also finds schoolsa in 44 states are creating onlinesecondary schools.
the Online School for Girls will be the firsyonline same-sex school. At the graduate Harvard, Duke and other exclusive universities now offe severalspecialized master’s degrees for whicj the coursework can be takenm mostly online. They are aimed at professionalzs who wish to enhance their credentials to advance intheid careers. Karen Douse, Harpeth Hall’s library and informationb services director, says online education is rapidluybecoming “a cornerstone of the educational experience.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Motor sports: Wilson takes advantage of late Rahal scrape to grab win - Denton Record Chronicle

Denton Record Chronicle

Motor sports: Wilson takes advantage of late Rahal scrape to grab win

Denton Record Chronicle

AP / Ralph Lauer Fans look on as Justin Wilson spins out while celebrating his win Saturday night in the IndyCar Firestone 550 at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth. By Matt Crider / Staff Writer FORT WORTH â€" Justin Wilson scooted into the lead with 1 ...

Safe IndyCar race proves series should be at Texas

Fox News

Justin Wilson wins at TMS after Rahal wreck


Justin Wilson wins at Texas after Rahal wreck

San Jose Mercury News


Saturday, 9 June 2012

Eddie Bauer owes NW creditors - Baltimore Business Journal:
Eddie Bauer in U.S. Bankruptch Court in Delaware. The company listed total assetdof $476.1 million and totao debts of $426.7 milliojn as of May 30. The retailer’sa largest unsecured creditor is the Bank of New which according to court papers isowed $75 Eddie Bauer also owes $2.5 millio n to U.S. Customs. In addition to Expeditors, Eddie Bauer listed threed other companies with ties to the area amongb its 30 largestunsecured creditors. , an Enumclaw companty that designs and buildsdisplaty fixtures, is owed $218,000; and Seattle photographt company Voda Studios in Seattle is owed Eddie Bauer says it also owes the Seattlw branch of , $856,000.
RR Donnelley is baseds in Chicago andprovidexs printing, direct mail and othefr services for retailers and other The Bellevue-based retailer listed five major shareholders that — combinef — own 27.6 percent of the common stock. They are: , an equithy firm in Boston; , a private equity firm in San H PartnersCapital LLC, of New York and Royce Associates investment funds, of New York.

Friday, 8 June 2012

MDRNA loses $12.3M in Q4 - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million, or a loss of 39 centd per share, which compares with a net lossof $12 million, or a loss of 47 cents per share a year Revenues at the Bothell biotech (NASDAQ: MRNA) fell to $147,00o from $6.1 million in 2007. For fiscal 2008, the company reported a loss of $59.q2 million, or a loss of $2.012 per share, compared with a loss of $52.3 million, or a loss of $2.1o per share a year earlier. Revenue fell to $2.6 milliom from $18.1 million in fiscal 2007. No majorf analysts cover the company. A one-timew $8.3 million restructuring charge affectedfiscal 2008. . Revenuesw were less in fiscal 2008 dueto PG) pulling out of a partnership deal in 2007.
Sincr then the company has refocused itselrf on RNAinterference research. Company officials said they endeds fiscal 2008with $3.4 millioh in cash and cash equivalents, compared with $41.6 million at the end of 2007. They said becausw of the company’s low cash position, they expecty to receive a “going opinion from their accountants, which will be filed with the company’s annualp 10-K report for the fiscal year. Share in MDRNA fell more than 16 percentt inTuesday trading, falling 7 cents to closew at 36 cents.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Celtics ticket sales 'Heat' up for Game 6 at Garden - Boston Herald

Celtics ticket sales 'Heat' up for Game 6 at Garden

Boston Herald

Holzman said Ace Ticket had about 150 Game 6 tickets at the TD Garden left for sale as of 11 am The cheapest seats start at $250 for a balcony seat and $400 for a lower level seat. “Yesterday these seats were $150 and $300, respectively.

and more »

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

New York-based Moody’s in a releases Monday said it lowered its ratingof $6.8 billionm in general obligation bonds to Aa2 from Aa1. That’zs a step down to the third-highest rating from the The rating, Moody’s said, also applies to $40 million in coal developmentt general obligation bonds set to sellnext week. Moody’as wrote that the downgrade followed “a long period of pronounced economixunderperformance caused, in part, by the overweightinhg of manufacturing in the state’s industryu employment profile.” Fitch last week lowered its ratinyg on the Ohio bonds, despite holding to a outlook, for similar reasons.
Moody’x analysts Edward Hampton and Mariaz Coritsidis also maintained a stable outlook on the stater bonds on expectations that the state will be able to handl e itsfiscal challenges. But the analysts also pointerd to a number ofpotential snags, includin g the use of “non-recurring” revenue – specifically the state’s rainyg day fund and federal stimulus dollars to shore up existing and projecter future budget holes.
“While Ohio has a history of timelgy spending reductions to addressrevenue shortfalls, it increasingly is using non-recurringh measures, such as restructuring debt to defer principal repayment,” the analysts

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Pedal to Properties takes on partner, plans expansion - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Founded and headed by Matt Kolb, Pedal to Propertiees is a residential real estate firm that gives clients the option of lookingg at homesby bicycle. The company maintainx a fleet of 50 ElectrCruiser bikes. Kolb has sold a 50 percentt stake in the company for an undisclosed sum to attorneuyTim Majors, who specializes in takiny regional retail businesses As a partner in Pedal to Majors will work out of the company’s Boulder office.
Majors, who’as originally from Perth, approached Kolb about investing in the real estate firm aftefr looking at Boulder propertiesby “We certainly plan to incorporate national and international branding expertise to expand Pedall to Properties in other markets,” Kolb said in a Pedal to Properties plans to look at openingb branch offices in other, unspecified U.S. In May, the company launched a licensere designation for brokers interested in using theBoulde business’ operational formula in their markets. The Coloradoo company already is working to expand quickl y in its hometown by adding more space and agents in downtown Boulder.
“I believe Pedal to Properties is in a perfecy position to meet the evolving social and demographic changes goinfg on in the Uniter Stateswith homebuyers,” Majors said in a

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Do-gooders head to happiest place (hint: we don't mean heaven) - Charlotte Business Journal:
Now, a few Californians with inspiring volunteering stories will be able to say the same thanks to a statewide contest that launchedx this week to inspirr more peopleto volunteer. In its "Find It. Do It. Share It." contest, a state agency that promotes volunteering, is asking volunteers to submiga written, audio or video entry with their own inspirinbg volunteer story, whether it took place last week or threw decades ago. The agency will name two granxdprize winners, each of whom will receive a trip for four to the , an opportunity to participate in a volunteer project with DisneyVoluntEARS on Family Volunteer Day Nov.
17, and a trip for two to attenxdThe Women's Conference, a sold-out event in Long Beacnh hosted by Gov. Arnolsd Schwarzenegger and First LadyMaria Shriver. Another 27 finalists each will receivefour one-day Disneylande Resort park-hopper tickets. Entries will be accepteds until Sept. 23. More information can be found at The food figh continues... Legal action against 24 activists who blockeds a busy Davis intersection May 1 in suppor tof food-service workers at UC Davis cranked up a notch last week when Yolo County Superiord Court Commissioner Janene Beronio refused to dismisws misdemeanor charges against them.
The defendants were arrestedc after they refused a police order to Their attorneyargued Aug. 15 that the protesy was a peaceful assemblyy protected under theFirst Amendment, but Beronio counteree that disrupting traffic is not peacefuk assembly. The group was offeresd a diversion program as an alternativeto trial, but most have turnefd down a deal and asked for court-appointed attorneyss to defend them, said Kevin Christensen, lead researcher for the Local which is trying to organize the workers.
"Ww are not pleading guilty, taking a course and paying a saidKatie Davalos, a UC Davis studenr and peace activist who joineed the protest in a gesture of solidarity with food-servicw workers, hired by an outsides contractor, who want to become universithy employees. "For me, it is a matter of All other dining hall workers at otherr UCs have beenbrought in-house." Protesters say Gaithersburg, Md.
-base d , which employs about 500 food-service workerss in campus eateries, offers poor wages and University officials are scrambling to resolve the food fightf before students show up for class next "We are trying to reach a resolutio n in favor of both the university and the employees," said UC Davis spokeswoman Lisa University officials are concerned about employment fairness and equity, but also making serviceas affordable to students, she said. "We are tryinf to strike a balance." is building the fourth-largest solar-powet system in California at its distribution warehousrein Rocklin. The Dayville, Conn.
, company expect it will start producing power by the end of the The company has already installedthe panels, which cove more than one-third of the 487,000-square-foot building. The systej will produce about 1.5 million kilowatt-hourx of electricity annually, saving the company $230,0009 per year on its bills, said Thomasd Dziki, vice president of sustainabl development for UnitedNatural Foods. He woulcd not disclose the price ofthe 1.19-megawatt system, which provides the equivalent amount of power used by 140 averag American households each year. , based in Nortu Chelmsford, Mass., is installing the system.
The solafr array tops the 1 megawatt solare power system installed onthe 140,000-square-foot Tony'd Fine Foods' West Sacramento warehouse in 2005. Power-hungry refrigeratedr warehouses are ideal candidates forsolar electricity. Most companiees are looking for ways to get but construction firm is also looking to get The ElDorado Hills-based company last week launchede a special projects division that will court the smallef jobs such as building additions, tenanyt improvements and seismic retrofits.
Bob Kjome, vice president of pre-constructiom services, said the idea stems from the company's exclusive contract with which has resulted in Roebbelejcompleting 6,000 projects, most of them on the small in the past nine years. The average cost for thosd projects was lessthan $150,000, Kjome Roebbelen is still a large force in the Sacramentok market, ranking second in 2006 with revenue of $377.5 million.